T  ax
I  nformation
E  xchange &
C  ompliance
A  cademy



The Tax Information Exchange & Compliance Academy provides E-learning Courses in the field of international exchange of information for taxation purposes and the enactment of corporate compliance processes. The focus of our academy is particularly on the United States of America Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”) and the Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”).


Our mission is to provide E-learning courses which are meeting certain interactive standards for individuals active in the financial industry. Therefore most of our E-Learning courses are live which enables the lecturer to provide direct feedback to our students during the E-learning courses. Further the live character of the E-Learning courses has the advantage that explaining methods can be adjusted and fine tuned on the audience during the course.


The United States of America Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”) was issued in 2014 with effect as of July 1st 2014. The financial world, especially those doing business and investments in United States Dollars (“USD’s”), was confronted with FATCA including the pressure to implement and apply these regulations on short term.

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) and the G20 countries followed in 2015 with the introduction of the Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”).

For most of the experienced individuals active in the field of the financial industry FATCA and CRS did not form part of their higher education. Therefore it is currently required for such individuals to gain at least basic knowledge of FATCA & CRS. All information on FATCA & CRS is available on the internet. However this information is in most cases not provided in a logical and practical order resulting into an inscrutable FATCA & CRS bush. Moreover if it regards FATCA these regulations are originating from a US Anglo-Saxon legal source. Consequently it requires an adjustment of the foreign - non US – legal mind set to understand the basics of FATCA. The set up of our FATCA courses meets this approach.